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Magnify.png Further Info: Not to be confused with NPC which is an article making jokes about the meme itself.

The term "NPC" is an anagram for "Non Player Character. This term was coined back in the days of fantasy roll playing games and survives today in the video gaming industry.


I gathered several sources for this article. I delved into essays, websites, and forum posts for a few weeks while trying to bring this thing all together in my own voice. I have borrowed some quotes, read into opinions, and come up with what I think is a pretty good explanation for this phenomena.

While it may not be the exhaustive authorinty on NPCs and their behavior, it is a good place to start if you wish to continue understanding them and perhaps why they are here.

One last note: It occurred to me to compose this article using AI prompts, making the article written in the same way an NPCs reactions and responses are composed. That would be pretty funny, right? Ha ha?

The Meme of the NPC

The NPC meme is so effective because it strikes at a key aspect of normal human functioning that these people apparently lack: pattern recognition. The short and sweet version is that all knowledge must be derived from sense perception. We aren’t born with knowledge and so perception and induction are how we formulate the basic principles of science/reality/ourselves. The process involves extracting the universal attribute out of a series of experiences or memories and the most universal attributes are extracted first. “Wit” describes the speed at which someone can grasp the universal. Aristotle compares the process to an army that has been routed, but one soldier turns to make a stand and then another and another until the formation is restored. This formation is a rational, logical set of conclusions. However, this is where the problem arises.

And this at least is an obvious characteristic of all animals, for they possess a congenital discriminative capacity which is called sense-perception. But though sense-perception is innate in all animals, in some the sense-impression comes to persist, in others it does not. So animals in which this persistence does not come to be have either no knowledge at all outside the act of perceiving, or no knowledge of objects of which no impression persists: animals in which it does come into being have perception an can continue to retain the sense-impression in the soul; and when such persistence is frequently repeated a further distinction at once arises between those which out of the persistence of such sense-impressions develop a power of systematizing them and those which do not.



Humans fall into this later category of animals that can retain sense perception and further systematize them (i.e. learn). It is the ability to discern the abstract universal truth from a given set of experiences, to generalize, to discriminate, if you will. The starting point of knowledge is noticing patterns and differences. But the NPC has lost this capacity, either willfully or from a life of training. Seeing patterns and generalizing now has all sorts of labels ending in -phobia and -ism. Having a discriminating mind used to be a good thing. Being called a “discriminating shopper” was a compliment.

But we only mean discrimination based on sex, race, national origin, skin color, gender orientation, age, job occupation, religion, etc.

The list continues to grow and the definition of many of these things is becoming obscured. The process of discrimination is so fundamental that it cannot be arbitrarily switched on and off. The only way to not be a racist, sexist, islamophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, anti-sematic, shitlord is to kill the part of your brain that wants to discriminate. A full shutdown of your brain’s difference engine is required to avoid “unacceptable” conclusions. To use the soldier analogy from earlier: instead of a rout, the NPC army has been ordered to retreat and any soldier that turns around to make a stand is shot on the assumption that he is a traitor.

Brain Discomfort


It leaves the NPC incapable of learning or reaching logical conclusions. They can’t grasp the basic fundamental truths of the world around them, so any reasoning done will be flawed. However, the brain doesn’t like being left in this eternal state of logical limbo. It wants to order the world around itself. It wants to put things into boxes and label them, but it is being specifically trained not to do this, leading to a great deal of discomfort. It leaves the brain craving a structure to judge the world with. The solution? This structure is provided to them. They are programmed by authority figures and media with the fundamental logic they use to view the world. Their many contradictory positions are because their viewpoint is contrived, not derived. And it is also why their positions can seemingly multiple times in a couple of weeks.

Take for example a particular group that continually perpetrates the same sorts of violent crimes, over and over again. A rational, fully functioning mind would see the tenth report about such crimes and he’d extract that one particular type of man was committing these crimes disproportionately. But the NPC brain sees these and only extracts up to the limit it is allowed and through the filter it has been given. The NPC will see that men are committing crimes, ergo toxic masculinity is the problem. Only the partial universal is extracted so the conclusion is fundamentally flawed.

Is There Hope?


If you cannot learn from your experiences you will never accurately identify threats. To paraphrase Yuri Bezmenov, their brains are so devastated and trained that they won’t see the truth even if it is right in front of their eyes and they are in harm’s way.

This is why the NPC meme is so fitting. They lack the quality that lies at the foundation of the human experience. It’s why they seem so devoid of a soul. It’s why you feel like you have the same interactions with dozens of different people. They are all running the same program and will continue to run this until a new program has been entered by the mainstream media or social media. Nothing you can say or do will change the program. Nothing they see or experience in real life will change the program.

How then do we change these creatures from NPCs to people? The answer is something we’ve always known. Some call it the “redpill,” while others call it “using common sense.” No matter what you call it, it is irreversible. Going back to the army analogy, it’s convincing the army in the NPC’s head to not shoot that one other soldier that turns around. It only takes one. Because as soon as he’s allowed to live, as soon as fundamental reality is no longer the enemy, the process has begun. By its sheer existence the single soldier will draw others, and bugs in their code will be made apparent. The brain will take over and begin to self-repair. Remember that the next time you talk to an NPC. The goal isn’t to have the yelling monstrous slogans while marching in the streets. The goal is to break the code just a little bit. The rest is inevitable.

The Program

Quote.png Perhaps the creator has run out of individual programs for individual humans? If that were the case, why not write a catch-all program for the overflow? Quote1.png

There is a theory that there are only a fixed quantity of souls on planet Earth. These souls cycle continuously through reincarnation. However, since the human growth rate is so severe, the soulless extra walking flesh piles around us are NPCs, who autonomously follow the program: group think, social trends, and agendas, all to appear convincingly human.

NPCs show discomfort when you break the status quo. If you get into a discussion with them it is always the same buzzwords and arguments. They avoid real discussion and revert to the program when confronted.

NPC Anecdotes

It’s getting increasingly difficult to find people who actually want to talk about meaningful things. Ever read Fahrenheit 451? That’s our society. We’re not burning books yet, but we don’t need to because barely anyone is reading them anyways. And if you do read books, nobody is going to pay attention to you anyways. Few people read past the headlines, and fewer people pay attention to the news in general. NPCs are content to sit in front of the television, phone in their hand, and watch several screens at once in ten second blocks of animation. They do it for hours and do not aspire to anything greater because they have no reason to. They block out anything that breaks the little walled garden of safety around them and forces them to feel things outside of the comfort there. They have their job, their media, their programming, and they live comfortably. Why bother?


Www npc.png

Do not make the mistake of thinking NPCs are stupid. They simply have different goals, while you and I care about truth and seek it, they care solely for power. If you understand this desire to “be on the winning team,” you will begin to see how their seemingly stupid and unexplainable actions start to make sense. No matter what the situation, they will always seek to be in a position of power, perceived or otherwise. Some tactics include belittling, lying, manipulation, gas lighting, aligning with authority, faking victimhood, virtue signaling and any other thing that allows them to talk down to people who they perceive to be a threat.

This is why they are so puzzled at the idea that the elites would kill them. The do not understand that to elites, they are but tools to be used and tossed away when they are no longer useful. They think they are on the same team as those in power as long as they do and say what they are told. This unwarranted sense of power also makes them arrogant, which is misunderstood as stupidity.

NPCs are not mindless cattle, they are the type of people who would sell their own family to get ahead in life.

Additionally, NPCs tend to move together in packs. This mob mentality serves them well when they wish to shout down an opponent.

NPCs is Brain Learnin' Stuff. Yep!