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Canadian Wildfires of 2023

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Revision as of 21:34, 28 June 2023 by Grug (talk | contribs)
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Canadian smoke.jpg

Yet another ploy to kill us all, the man-made Canadian Wildfires of 2023 have caused smog, smoke, and poor air conditions for most of the Midwest and eastern seaboard.

Quote.png Whatever it is, we're being lied to. There's no way this shit is woodfire smoke. Quote1.png

Quote.png The wildfire smoke we had here (NE Ohio) a few weeks ago smelled faintly of wood smoke but this current smoke is totally different smelling and stronger. Quote1.png

Quote.png Pretty wild how everyone just stopped talking about those poor bastards in Ohio that were basically subject to chemical warfare. Now their air and water and soil are poison for who knows how long. But make sure we send 500 billion more to Ukraine! Quote1.png

The Game Being Played

Like COVID, this has many tentacles of evil intent. One obvious one being: Back to mask wearing. And since the smog/smoke is flowing west to the eastern seaboard, better doulbe mask, you abundant New Yorkers.

The second obvious tentacle is: Nasty Global Warming.

Finally, lettuce not forget that smoke is a carcinogen no matter the source...just like the stuff they dumped on East Palestine, Ohio.

More Tinfoil
