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Fucking Gas Cans

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Revision as of 07:24, 15 September 2022 by Weishaupt (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|right|120px|Who the fuck invented this thing? Yet another way to destroy normal human life, '''FUCKING GAS CANS,''' the new ones, suck balls and need to be destroyed. OSHA, the guys in charge of making your life miserable, invented these stupid things so that you spill gasoline all over yourself, your machine, and your grass. The end goal is to make it so that gasoline engines are so distasteful, you don't want to use them a...")
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Who the fuck invented this thing?

Yet another way to destroy normal human life, FUCKING GAS CANS, the new ones, suck balls and need to be destroyed.

OSHA, the guys in charge of making your life miserable, invented these stupid things so that you spill gasoline all over yourself, your machine, and your grass. The end goal is to make it so that gasoline engines are so distasteful, you don't want to use them anymore.

All in the name of "saving a few lives." Yes, the lives of a small group of dipshits who dump gasoline on a hot part of their motor, or (more likely) like to play with roman candles while they handle flammable liquids.


Or, anecdotal evidence that is totally relevant...

The spouts are complicated and so cheaply made, they never seem to work, even if you follow their logic. And they seem to require three hands to operate. Plus the venting is bad. Bottom line: I wind up spilling more gas with the new ones than the old – what a waste. The law of unintended consequences at work, I guess.

-- This guy named "Ken J" who deals with these things like I do.[1]

Goddamnit, who the hell decided this was safe?

-- weishaupt just after he dumped gasoline on his new boots.[2]

Can't we just buy old cans and use them?

-- A sane person who was immediately arrested by OSHA agents, working undercover.
