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The Multiverse

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Quote.png And in one reality tpuahsiew...you are a 53 year old truck driver...working for fedex. - Erotica'' Quote1.png


In one reality, you are a rock star. In one universe, you are a lottery winner and live a life of comfort. In yet another dimension, you are the Bill Gates of that cosmos.

Have you ever noticed that when people talk about The Multiverse, they always describe the best possible outcome for themselves and everybody else? Everybody is some world leader, sex symbol, sports hero, or some rich bastard in charge of everything. Nobody is some bum on a street corner shoving a needle in their arm. Nobody is a woman on a doctor's operating table getting a brain tumor removed. Nobody dreams up a multiverse where they never existed.

This is because: “wouldn't it be nice if my life were better?” The world is full of losers trying to cope with their miserable lives. What better way to delude yourself than to dream up alternate realities where you aren't some unfortunate slob, being ground down by daily life?

This is why The Multiverse and the Multiverse theory are both horseshit.

Parallel Worlds

Choices always create new and better timelines for you.

Parallel world theories and stories have been happily tossed around since at least The Epic of Gilgamesh. This only proves that humans have been dealing with the shit sandwich of life for at best 5,000 years, and at worst far, far longer. Imagine those Sumerian dirt farmers, toiling all day long in the hot Mesopotamian sun, their lives basically one long, painful slog to another. They get home and somebody hands them a poem, that they read by the light of a greasy candle. Somebody is telling them that somewhere else, sometime else, that they are better. And for the next five thousand years, somebody was telling us something to keep our eyes off of what was really going on. Distracting us from the daily pain that was and is unnecessary.

Think about that old Marx quote about the “opium of the masses.” All this horseshit is a salve.


Quote.png Infinity is a big topic.[1][2] Quote1.png


Recently, at least to me, I have been reading[3][4] and hearing about how the universe is "infinite."[5] Because it is soooo infinite, there doesn't need to be different dimensions or parallel worlds. Why? Because infinity is so big, that all of these multiversal changes could be possible.

This is another load of horseshit.

Considering the fact that nobody can decide just how old the universe is, nobody can factually say how big it is as well.[6][7][8][9]

Black Holes and Worm Holes

Muh Worm Hole...

Another funny story I continually run into is that black holes and worm holes can be used as a doorway to other portions of the unverse or other dimensions. Yeah, the people telling you this are also the same people telling you that a black hole destroys all information. The gravity is so great that nothing can escape.

Well if that is true, how do you get out of the other side?

And even if you do manage to get out of the other side of a black hole, you have been pulverized by the gravity of the singularity and you have been vaporized by the heat of the thing. Good luck with your journey.

But worm holes are stable and useful, you say. The information on that is still out, but I do know that particle accelerators like the one they have at CERN spend billions of dollars looking for them. When that much money gets tossed around, I immediately start thinking we are running into a case of The Science.

Bubble Universe Theory

F0166523-Bubble universes.jpg

Unproven theories are just stories...and stories are lies. This theory relies heavily on both The Big Bang and black holes. Since we all know that black holes will kill you, this theory is bunk. Even still, I will provide a small introduction to the theory:

Quote.png The concept of bubble universes arises from the theory of eternal inflation, a variant of the cosmological inflation theory. Inflation theory, proposed by physicist Alan Guth in the 1980s, suggests that there was a period of rapid expansion in the early universe. Eternal inflation takes this concept further by proposing that some regions of space-time continue to inflate, leading to an endless creation of new "bubble" universes.[10] Quote1.png



Just sitting here, I could probably belt out 100 instances of The Multiverse found in modern culture. And you probably can too. From Doctor Who to "The Chronicles of Narnia" to H.G. Wells, it is all over the place. Even Douglas Adams toys with probability in one of his novels.

Usually, the author introduces the use of an alternate dimension to write themselves out of a problem their story has set up for them. But some writers avoid all such problems by just setting up their story to be all about The Multiverse.


There is zero evidence for other universes. So the biggest misconception about the multiverse is that it’s a bonafide theory that’s been proven. “It isn’t—it doesn’t really have a mathematical basis—it is a collection of ideas.[11] In the cycle of science it remains at the hypothesis stage and needs to become a robust proposition before we can truly understand the consequences.”[12]


Spend enough time on the internet, and you realize that it's all... HORSESHIT.

The Multiverse is a great example, but there are more...