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East Palestine, Ohio News Tidbits

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You should probably not read East Palestine, Ohio News Tidbits because it is more important to pay attention to balloons and UFOS.

Obligatory Quote

Quote.png We basically nuked a town with chemicals so ODNR estimates 3,500 fish killed by East Palestine train derailment, spillwe could get a railroad open[1] -Silverado Caggiano, a hazardous materials specialist Quote1.png

The Tidbits

Magnify.png Further Info: This page is part of the shit going down in East Palestine, Ohio.

In no particular order:

Cross section of chemical plume.

Quote.png Railroads have slashed labor and other costs to bolster profits in recent years, and have been fiercely opposed to adding paid sick time that would require them to hire more staff. [2] Quote1.png
