Revision as of 02:56, 25 December 2023 by Grug (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Uranus;;; stinks,<ref>https://www.space.com/40374-uranus-clouds-smell-rotten-eggs.html</ref><ref<https://www.syracuse.com/us-news/2018/04/the_planet_uranus_is_full_of_one_of_the_smelliest_chemicals_scientists_say.html</ref> and there's scientific proof. Researchers have confirmed that the seventh planet from the sun has an upper atmosphere full of one of the smelliest chemicals known to humans, '''hydrogen sulfide,''' according to a study published by Nature Astronomy...")
Uranus;;; stinks,[1]<ref<https://www.syracuse.com/us-news/2018/04/the_planet_uranus_is_full_of_one_of_the_smelliest_chemicals_scientists_say.html</ref> and there's scientific proof. Researchers have confirmed that the seventh planet from the sun has an upper atmosphere full of one of the smelliest chemicals known to humans, hydrogen sulfide, according to a study published by Nature Astronomy. The malodorous gas is what gives rotten eggs and human flatulence that distinctive and unpleasant stench.
There's a lot of really smelly stuff wafting around Uranus.[2]