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Returning To The Wound

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Hi, I'm a taco with a stop sign.
Don't fool with this page, it is a work in progress and will be werked on next weekend.

They say that you can draw more houseflies using honey rather than vinegar. Want to know what draws even more flies? A big pile of shit.[1] Just about the time the internet was being made more and more usable by normal, everyday people Returning To The Wound became a "thing." This phenomena became noticeable to me right around the time of the Oliver North trial, but it may go further back.

What Is Returning To The Wound?

Returning to the wound is a constant bombardment of "the next big thing." In the early 1990s, cable news channels became a thing and they had to offer content in a 24 hour, 7 days-a-week stream. Because news does not occur according to a set schedule or at convenient times, much of this cable news content was repeated over and over until "the next big thing" happened. The consumer of such news was forced to hear the same stories over and over. Thus, returning to a wound came into being.

At some point, such repeated news tends to demoralize the viewer, much like a re-occurring wound. If a story is depressing, constantly subjecting the viewer to such news will obviously pass the depression on.

My Personal Timeline

WARNING: anecdotal evidence in this section. [ There will be no Citation, fuckos ]

My memory may be fuzzy, but as a youngster I recall that the following stories were constantly blasted at me. During those days, I did not question why, as I didn't really give a shit about the news. As I grew older, specifically during the summer of the Oliver North trials, I really began to question things.

Prior Events That Effected Me

The Early days of Returning to the Wound was a time when media began to adhere to the old saying "The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword"

  • The American Revolution
  • The War of 1812
  • Civil War
  • Yellow Journalism
  • Teapot Dome


While not in the internet or 24 hour news cycle, these things were constantly talked about and were on the front page of papers every single day. Walter Cronkite gave us updates, without fail, telling Americans that they were bad people.

  • Constant news about the Vietnam war
  • Constant news about Richard Nixon
  • Manson
  • Jimmy Carter and his presidency
  • Abortion and feminism


While not exactly occurring during the early days of the internet, most of this list eventually falls into that time.

  • Ronald Reagan
  • "Star Wars" missile defense system
  • Berlin Wall
  • Tiananmen Square
  • Tipper Gore and the PMRC
  • George Herbert Walker Bush - READ MY LIPS. NO NEW TAXES
  • Oliver North
  • Invasion of Kuwait
  • Failure to finish the job in Kuwait
  • Bill Clinton and everything to do with his personal life and his presidency

At this point, the internet really kicks in and things become crazy. It is as if some person or some group of persons recognize the power of forcing people to return to the wound and weaponized it.

  • Bush/Gore election[2]
  • 9/11
  • Anthrax envelope scare
  • Iraq/Saddam Hussein

Post 2008 and the escalation.




The Future

If today is not enough, remind them of the past and how they were complicit in such events.

Breaking911: An 11-year-old girl was murdered and run over by a train in 1988. Authorities say they’ve found the man who did it. link
