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Greatest Events In Middle Earth

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Yes, this is about Tolkien. Yes, this list is subjective.

Everybody says that the Tale of Beren and Luthien is so fucking great, and it is. However, that story is only a precursor to the actual War of Wrath that destroyed Morgoth. Same thing goes for the death of Elendil and Gil-Galad. Yes, they wrestled Sauron and made it so that Isildur could cut the ring off of Sauron's hand. Isildur's actions were great, but in the end, they only prolonged what might have been and forced another generation to deal with what he left behind.

Great actions of heroism and self sacrifice, but you wanna know who really took down Sauron? A gardener from the Shire who happened to like Elves and fireworks. Sure, Fingolflin wounded Morgoth a few times, and the story was epic... but it didn't change anything. The list below will demonstrate what was the Greatest Events In Middle Earth

My List

1. Glorfindel's actions during the escape from Gondolin

The guy was so badass, the gods sent him back to help out more.

Quote.png At the last moment, he pierced the Balrog's belly and it fell backwards towards the cliff, but it grabbed Glorfindel by his hair and both of them fell into the deep abyss. [1] Quote1.png

Quote.png Due to his noble actions that had saved many Elves in the Fall of Gondolin, he was re-embodied and dwelt in Valinor. Many years later, in SA 1600, Manwë sent him back to Middle-earth as an emissary of the Valar and granted him powers nearly as strong as that of the Maiar's. Quote1.png

2. Bard killing Smaug

Yeah, it was Gandalf's idea to get rid of Smaug, but the execution was all Bard. In one shot, Bard basically ended any sort of evil in the north of Middle Earth and ruined Sauron's chance at sweeping into Eriador with a fire breathing dragon.

Quote.png Bard fired his Black Arrow and struck the hollow by Smaug's left breast and the dragon fell from the sky, landing on Lake-town and destroying it. [2][3] Quote1.png

3. Ulmo

This guy appeared to Tuor and told him what to do. After Tuor followed Ulmo's instructions, the end of Morgoth began.

4. The actions of Húrin

Killed a metric shitton of trolls and then capped his day off by styling all over Morgoth. Sure, he got fucked over and had to watch his family be destroyed, but his actions were another set of events that eventually brought down Morgoth. Also, his son, Túrin is said to eventually kill Morgoth at the end of time.
