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Embed Tweets

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The Extension is called TwitterTag.

Currently the extension supports individual tweets, profile timeline and list timeline. Likes timelines are deprecated by Twitter and pages containing them are added to a tracking category since version 1.2.1.

  • To add a tweet, use following code: ‎<twitter screen-name="screen_name" tweet-id="tweet_id" />
  • To add a profile timeline, use following code: ‎<twitter screen-name="screen_name" />
  • To add a list timeline, use following code: ‎<twitter screen-name="screen_name" list-slug="list_slug" />
  • To add a likes timeline, use following code: ‎<twitter likes-screen-name="screen_name" />
  • Alternatively, full URL can be provided using parameter href=.

Most parameters provided by Twitter, such as height=, width=, and lang=, are supported.
